
Saturday, April 25, 2015

What Google says about your favorite Programming Language / Framework

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Google autocomplete suggestion give you popular searches for your typed word. Here I search about different programming languages and frameworks. See what Google suggested me.

Some suggestion are really nice but some are.... see.

Why your favorite Programming Language is so ...

Java is so:

C language is:

C++ is hard:

Objective C is not that ugly:

Here is C#:

My favorite JavaScript is so:

PHP is so:

Google suggest Python is :

Visual Basic is so:

AngularJs is so:

ActionScript is so:

ASP.NET is so:

Clojure is so:

Is coffeescript better than JavaScript?

Delphi is so:

Fortran is faster:

For Google F# is still relate music:

Haskell is so:

jQuery is so:

Matlab is expensive:

Perl is so:

Ruby is so bossy:

Scala is so:

YII is so:

1 comment:

  1. c programing language is the base of all programing language .if u want to learn c language then you able to learn all language is easy for you.

    c books
    programing books
