Google autocomplete suggestion give you popular searches for your typed word. Here I search about different programming languages and frameworks. See what Google suggested me.
Some suggestion are really nice but some are.... see.
public Singleton { private Singleton() { } }
public Singleton { private Singleton() { } public static Singleton GetSingletonInstance() { return new Singleton(); } }
public Singleton { //private static variable to hold the instance private static Singleton _uniqueInstance = null; //private constructor can only be call within class private Singleton(){} //static function to get same instance always public static Singleton GetSingletonInstance() { if(_uniqueInstance == null) { _uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } return _uniqueInstance ; } //other required class methods }
public Singleton { //private static variable to hold the instance private static Singleton _uniqueInstance = null; private static readonly object lockObject = new object(); //private constructor can only be call within class private Singleton(){} //static function to get same instance always public static Singleton GetSingletonInstance() { lock(lockObject) { if(_uniqueInstance == null) { _uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } return _uniqueInstance ; } } //other required class methods }
public Singleton { //private static variable with initialize instance private static Singleton _uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); //private constructor can only be call within class private Singleton(){} //static function to get same instance always public static Singleton GetSingletonInstance() { //as we already initialize the static instance so just return it return _uniqueInstance; } //other required class methods }
public Singleton { //private static variable to hold the instance private static Singleton _uniqueInstance = null; private static readonly object lockObject = new object(); //private constructor can only be call within class private Singleton(){} //static function to get same instance always public static Singleton GetSingletonInstance() { if(_uniqueInstance == null) { //if _uniqueInstance is null then lock lock(lockObject) { //recheck here bcos if second thread is in queue it will get it false if(_uniqueInstance == null) { _uniqueInstance = new Singleton(); } } } return _uniqueInstance ; } //other required class methods }
$scope.redirectToDraftPage= function () { $location.path('/draft'); };
(function(){ 'use strict'; function ngRedirectTo($window) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attributes) { element.bind('click', function (event) { //assign ng-Redirect-To attribute value to location $window.location.href = attributes.ngRedirectTo; }); } }; } angular.module('app').directive('ngRedirectTo', ngRedirectTo); //inject $window service for redirection redirectTo.$inject = ['$window']; }());
// Simple GET request example $http.get('/api/url'). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { // asynchronous callback event will be trigger // when the call to URL is successful. }). error(function(data, status, headers, config) { // asynchronous callback event will be trigger // when en error occurred calling URL or server returns // response with error status. });post call using $http service:
// Simple POST request example $'/api/url', {data:'hello! Its post call data!'}). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { // asynchronous callback event will be trigger // when the call to URL is successful. }). error(function(data, status, headers, config) { // asynchronous callback event will be trigger // when en error occurred calling URL or server returns // response with error status. });
// Interceptor example for angularJs. angular.module('app').factory('customInterceptor', ['$q', function($q) { var myInterceptor = { request : request, requestError : requestError, response : response, responseError : responseError }; // On request success request: function (config) { // Contains the data about the request before it is sent. console.log(config); // Return the config or wrap it in a promise if blank. return config || $q.when(config); }; // On request failure requestError: function (rejection) { // Contains the data about the error on the request. console.log(rejection); // Return the promise rejection. return $q.reject(rejection); }; // On response success response: function (response) { // Contains the data from the response. console.log(response); // Return the response or promise. return response || $q.when(response); }; // On response failture responseError: function (rejection) { // Contains the data about the error. console.log(rejection); // Return the promise rejection. return $q.reject(rejection); }; return myInterceptor; }]);and then register it to $httpProvider interceptor array.
angular.module('app').config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) { $httpProvider.interceptors.push('customInterceptor'); }]);
angular.module('app').factory('authTokenInjector', ['authenticationService', function(AuthenticationService) { var authTokenInjector = { request: function(config) { if (!AuthenticationService.isAnonymus) { config.headers['x-session-token'] = AuthenticationService.securityToken; } return config; } }; return authTokenInjector; }]);
and html:
// Interceptor example for angularJs. angular.module('app').factory('overlay', ['$q', function($q) { //initialize counter var requestCounter=0; var myInterceptor = { request : request, requestError : requestError, response : response, responseError : responseError }; // On request success request: function (config) { //will be incremented on each request requestCounter++; //show loader if not visible already if(!$('#preloader').is(':visible')){ $('#preloader').show(); } // Return the config or wrap it in a promise if blank. //it is required to return else call will not work return config || $q.when(config); }; // On request failure requestError: function (rejection) { //decrement counter as request is failed requestCounter--; hideLoaderIfNoCall(); // Return the promise rejection. return $q.reject(rejection); }; // On response success response: function (response) { //decrement counter as request is failed requestCounter--; hideLoaderIfNoCall(); // Return the response or promise. return response || $q.when(response); }; // On response failture responseError: function (rejection) { //decrement counter as request is failed requestCounter--; hideLoaderIfNoCall(); // Return the promise rejection. return $q.reject(rejection); }; function hideLoaderIfNoCall(){ // check if counter is zero means // no request is in process // use triple equals see why if(requestCounter === 0) $('#preloader').hide(); } return myInterceptor; }]);